When is a Psychoeducational/Learning
Assessment Helpful?
Parents might consider a comprehensive PSYCHOEDUCATIONAL/learning assessment IF their child:
Resists learning to read or reading for pleasure
Has difficulty organizing materials, tracking assignments, or remembering to turn in homework
Struggles to organize long term projects and essays and often waits until the last minute to start them
Takes much longer than peers to complete homework
Requires significant parental help or supervision to complete homework
Has trouble with rote memory and automatic recall (e.g. math fact automaticity)
Struggles as expectations for organization and independence at school increase (i.e. 3rd grade, middle school, high school)
Has trouble getting thoughts and ideas into writing
Does well on homework assignments but performs poorly on tests
Appears bright and works hard yet grades do not match effort
Makes self-deprecating comments about abilities (i.e., “I’m stupid or “I’m the worst reader in the class”)